Sarah + Graham Pocic | Married | February 21, 2015

You know, on a given wedding day I don’t really expect to have as much fun, and laugh nearly as much as we did at the Pocic wedding! Sarah was a doll from the moment we arrived, cracking jokes and really going with the flow of her schedule. Um, let me just mention her shaving her fingers in preparation for photos and cutting her pinky knuckle. Thanks to the magic of Photoshop that’s our little secret. And the boys, well let’s just say when they walked into the church I felt about 4 foot nothin’. Did I mention they were pretty much all a bunch of University of Illinois football players? A majority of them now play in the NFL (including the groom!). So imagine me standing next to them. Four. Foot. Nothin’.

The wedding was at this adorable little church outside Chicago, that was lined with gorgeous stained glass windows. This ceremony, was full of love, laughter, and tradition. But let’s not forget Graham’s shining line “The Rings”. No worries, that man didn’t forget his important line. 🙂 And after the ceremony, the adorable pictures with their puppy Moxie. He was a good sport! Oh and their snow photos, the best thing ever. So gorgeous and fun! The girls were prepared and had swapped their heels for boots, making it even more amazing. Ughhhh and her Father/Daughter dance, nearly the sweetest thing under the sun, other then her siblings standing together, and balling while it happened. Yes, her two sisters balling while her brother stood by with them. <3<3<3 Of course, you can’t forget Graham HIKING THE BALL for his garter toss! What a night!

Congratulations Sarah and Graham–I hope you share years of laughter, happiness, and most importantly, love together.

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